From: Tracy R ReedTo: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Bcc: Subject: What choice? Reply-To: You DO have a choice! at: Sam Provenchar asks "What real choice has anyone got?" I just got back from my weeklong vacation to Indiana visiting family I hadn't seen in years, including my mother and two brothers. I brought them a belated Christmas present: a computer. This computer runs only Linux. And with KDE, Netscape, and Star Office, they are quite happy with it. My 8 year old little brother now writes letters, sends me email, cruises the web, and joins me on IRC. All with very minimal instruction. They've never really used a computer before. I gave them an Apple IIc a few years ago which sat around unused. Not surprising. They've seen the web at a friends house. That's the extent of their computer experience. Linux has proven to be easier to use than Windows and has more than enough good software to do everything they need. They don't have to worry about accidentally breaking anything or crashing the computer because it's just not possible. Unlike my friends mother whose entire hard drive got trashed by some lame windows application two nights ago rendering her computer useless. She is going to have to pay someone to reinstall. (It's my friends mom, but I don't do Windows! Helping her reinstall would be like cocking the gun once more and patching her shoe.) Using Windows is like being logged in as root ALL THE TIME! That's insanity, in my opinion. If this computer breaks and they are running Windows, I am stuck with the hell that is troubleshooting a GUI environment over the phone. I'll pass on that, thank you very much. If somethign goes wrong with Linux, I just telnet into it over the net and fix it. Graphical application not working properly? I just display it to my PC here in San Diego and see it for myself. The dancing paperclip won't help me. My family doesn't have much money and I'm not exactly rich either. If we had to pay for the Windows equivalents of all of the software they have on that computer, they would not have a computer today. When you are in the supermarket and see that bag of chips with the yellow strip across the top of the bag that says "25% more FREE!" do you really believe you are getting free chips? Of course not. Then why would anyone believe that Windows isn't adding significantly to the price of that PC? Linux has proven itself to me beyond any doubt. It is better than MS on the server and it is better than MS on the desktop. I've used it at home for 5 years. Over the last 3 years I've used it in mission critical business applications. Over the last 2 years I've used it in mission critical financial applications where very large amounts of money were at stake. I work for a payroll company. And now I have installed it on common users desktops (my brother in San Antonio, my mother and family in Indiana, my girlfriend in San Diego, numerous friends in other places...) and it is yet to fail me. Thanks to things like KDE, Kppp, Netscape, Star Office, the ease of use is obvious to the new Linux user when they sit down in front of that desktop for the first time. Note that I don't recommend any of these people install and configure Linux themselves. Just like I don't recommend they install and configure Windows themselves. My mom can NOT install Windows. I couldn't just ship her a blank PC and a Windows98 CD. That requires way too much knowledge of PC hardware and software. Knowledge that most of us take for granted. Installation issues are a moot point because until something major changes in the software world (and there's nothing indicating that MS is going to instigate this change) operating system software installation is going to be best left to professionals. Linux is what puts food on my table, peace in my mind, and fun back into my computer. -- Tracy Reed "There are no significant bugs in our released software that any significant number of users want fixed." - Bill Gates in an interview with Focus magazine, Oct 23, 1995.
Tracy Reed
vCISOCybersecurity AuditorCybersecurity Architect
Cybersecurity Expert WitnessCorporate Charter Aircraft Pilot
"I have a very particular set of skills..."
Cybersecurity Architect
Cybersecurity Expert WitnessCorporate Charter Aircraft Pilot
"I have a very particular set of skills..."
Cybersecurity Architect, Expert Witness, and Security/Linux Instructor teaching and mentoring the next generation of security professionals.
ISO 27001 Lead Auditor
Lead CCA
Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge
Red Hat Certified Engineer(exp)
Years of Experience