-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQCNAzC+qXUAAAEEALemV0iuiaE34wpiyb5LK/8k4eCSREO/CJHPtrntibK2Wq7R 4C7cayHFlsLRLIpZea6uyqJmzouxQ4Zyjzrk62J5yo2LpKviGpPwz8fGWzlomSKs taRYm0aNccg56uPC+Ww9NPcsDwQl1WyGvfTwaArRHHVFEpqj54pYQTuu0mWVAAUR tA1UcmFjeSBSLiBSZWVk =TGWd -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- This describes the entire saga of my recent troubles with TNS. From [email protected] Mon Dec 4 10:05:43 1995 Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 10:05:42 -0800 (PST) From: "Tracy R. Reed"To: [email protected] cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject: TNS Hassle Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: RO X-Status: D I am VERY disappointed in how network access is working out at SDSU. I would even go as far as to say I am upset. I had a meeting with Joe Vasquez recently. He was not at all helpful but my situation is now becoming clear to me. I am sorry for this rather long email, but it explains how I feel and my position on this whole mess. The official reason for my ethernet being disconnected was because they: "...hadn't intended on people setting up servers where they could grant access to people and basically circumvent the firewall." -Rob Williams in a voicemail to me This is absurd. Everyone at TNS must have known exactly what I was doing. It did not take them 3 months to figure out I was running a unix host. Three TNS employees watched me boot it up, configure the networking stuff, demonstrate UNIX, X, the whole bit. A short time later I applied for a hostname so people could connect with my machine using the name "straylight" instead of having to remember a bunch of weird numbers. Then I applied for a firewall exception, which basically allows people from outside the SDSU network to connect to my computer. A person would only do these things if they were running a multi-user platform. If TNS had really overlooked the fact that someone might run a server on the housing network, I believe they were extremely negligent. I am a CS major. UNIX is a very big part of CS. A UNIX machine without a network connection is of very little use. My whole motivation for encouraging the ethernet project and moving into Toltec and getting the ethernet was so I could run a multi-user (UNIX) system. I was working on several programming projects with other people. Mainly network programming. If my machine is firewalled I can initiate connections with other computers, but they cannot do the same with my computer. This would limit my ability to learn from others in the outside world. Almost all of the accounts on my machine belong to SDSU students although some are for students at other schools but they are extremely helpful in my field of study. If my machine is firewalled I would not be able to program the types of applications that I feel are necessary to develop strong job related skills. I also would have to go through rohan to do my email. I am not content to use a Mac/Windows machine and do only email and browse the web like most people do. All of the other CS majors that I've told about the ethernet in the halls want to do exactly what I have been doing. During my meeting with Joe Vasquez I was told that there was a very long list of requirements machines must meet in order to be a server on the net. I have asked some people about this list and they have never heard of it. I should have asked to see a copy of it. I mentioned that there are people running servers on the network who have never heard of such a list and he said something like "we're working on that." If they are going to be consistent in their handling of this matter, they need to go over to the engineering building and pull the plugs on all of those new servers they've hooked up without even having heard of such a list. And how was it that so many TNS employees knew I was setting up my pc like this and never bothered to mention such a list? Then he mentioned liability. Who is liable if someone logs into my machine and does something bad on the network? Me? The state? If I got sued, he said (to paraphrase), "I've heard you're bright. I'd hate to see your career ended before it even began." I do not give out accounts indiscriminantly. Only to those who have a good reason for being on my machine. He asked me if I knew what all of the people on my machine were doing while they were logged in. I said yes. He asked again. I said yes. He really pressed the issue. I continued saying yes, I know what these people are doing and it is all legitimate. He just sat there and shook his head. He said that I didn't know what they were doing. I think he is implying that I cannot watch them every moment that they are using my machine and that if they do something bad then I could be held liable, or the state, and that is not acceptable. I feel it is acceptable. Who watches every user on rohan (the schools main academic computer) every second of every day? Nobody. Is it just as easy for a user to do something bad on rohan as it would be on my machine? Certainly. As the popularity of the Internet has grown, people have become more and more worried about "hackers". SDSU is extremely reactionary about its computer systems, to the point where people end up in the situation I now find myself in. It's commonly known that the more secure a network is, the less usable it is. This is especially true at SDSU. Joe Vasquez eventually let on to the *real* reason my ethernet was disconnected. It seems there is a person who happens to be a friend of mine who is very disliked by TNS who has an account on my machine. This person has somehow been linked to sending harassing email. When this happened most of his accounts were locked and three weeks later he was notified he should contact someone for an appointment to resolve the matter. Seemingly there is no due process. No one calls to try and straighten the matter out. Instead email is sent AFTER your service has been discontinued and you have no way of reading it. This friend of mine who was linked to forging email had always had an account on my machine, almost since the very first time I connected my UNIX machine to the schools network over the modem using ppp. He was using my machine to read mail, newsgroups, etc. while one of his rohan accounts was suspended. THIS is the reason my machine was disconnected. Bob Clay said he did not want my friend on SDSU's network anymore but he did not notify me of this until after my services were discontinued and as far as I know my friend has never been notified of this. Infact, my friend only recently recieved a letter from student affairs asking him to make an appointment. The proper thing for them to do if they did not want him on my machine is to contact me and tell me not to allow him access. I would have gladly complied if it meant keeping my ethernet. Instead they completely disconnected me and were not completely honest with me about why I was disconnected. When someone sends an offensive email from rohan, do they pull the plug on rohan? No, they act properly and email the administrator and have the account disabled. To this day, nobody has asked me to remove his account. Those of us who do things out of the ordinary, push the limits, go the extra mile, etc. have always drawn attention. I stand out because I'm using my network connection to it's fullest in an attempt to learn as much as I can about computing. This makes people nervous. Joe Vasquez also said that my ethernet connection would probably be down for *weeks*, until the next Network Advisory Committee meeting where this issue would be discussed. This is NOT acceptable. I should not have to pay for their paranoia and lack of foresight. Recently, I found that my dialup access had been suspended as well. When my ethernet was disconnected I began using my modem to connect to the schools network just as I had always done. My friend and others continued using my machine just as they had done for so long. I received an email on my rohan account about the problem. It stated that my dialup privileges were suspended because I let this person whose accounts were suspended onto the SDSU network through my dialup. How is this possible? The dialups are firewalled and there is only one phone line in my dorm room. The fact is, no one notified my friend that he should not be using the SDSU network and he continues to use his other accounts at this school. I think it was probably illegal for them to tell me that this persons accounts were suspended. In light of the Student Privacy Act school officials cannot release information about his personal records without his approval. I do not want any more trouble. I will gladly remove his account upon request if that is what it takes to get my ethernet connection back. I intend to comply with all SDSU rules just as I always have. I have not knowingly broken any of them. TNS should have better communicated their concerns to me and I'm sure a solution could have been reached which would have satisfied all parties involved. It is not my intention to defend or degrade anyone in any way. However, I felt it was necessary for me to write this letter. It does not appear that there is anyone at TNS I can talk to about about this. I am going to have to go to someone else with this. Perhaps the Ombudsmen. Some have suggested taking it to the local papers. So here I sit shelling out money to an outside provider so I can do my computer work while a perfectly good ethernet sits right here, disconnected for unjust reasons. I ask that my ethernet be reconnected and everything returned to its previous state. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Tracy Reed http://rohan.sdsu.edu/home/treed From [email protected] Mon Dec 4 12:25:36 1995 Received: from rohan.sdsu.edu ([email protected] []) by straylight.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id MAA29936 for ; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:25:25 -0800 Received: from mail.sdsu.edu (mail.sdsu.edu []) by rohan.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.7) with ESMTP id MAA06806; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:22:39 -0800 Received: (from clay@localhost) by mail.sdsu.edu (8.7.1/8.6.11) id MAA09230; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:22:22 -0800 (PST) Message-Id: <[email protected]> X-Sender: [email protected] X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.1.2 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Mon, 04 Dec 1995 12:22:20 -0800 To: "Tracy R. Reed" From: "Bob Clay, 619/594-7309" Subject: Re: TNS Hassle Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Status: RO X-Status: A Tracy Reed, Regarding your loss of dialup and ethernet connectivity, the SDSUnet Security Policy has been followed to the letter. I will issue a refund to you this week for the unused portion of your Residence Halls network connection fee. FYI, the dialup connections are NOT firewalled. Bob Clay -------- At 10:05 AM 12/4/95 -0800, Tracy R. Reed wrote: > >I am VERY disappointed in how network access is working out at SDSU. I >would even go as far as to say I am upset. I had a meeting with Joe >Vasquez recently. He was not at all helpful but my situation is now >becoming clear to me. > >I am sorry for this rather long email, but it explains how I feel and my >position on this whole mess. > > The official reason for my ethernet being disconnected was because they: > > "...hadn't intended on people setting up servers where they could grant > access to people and basically circumvent the firewall." > > -Rob Williams in a voicemail to me > >This is absurd. Everyone at TNS must have known exactly what I was doing. >It did not take them 3 months to figure out I was running a unix host. >Three TNS employees watched me boot it up, configure the networking stuff, >demonstrate UNIX, X, the whole bit. A short time later I applied for a >hostname so people could connect with my machine using the name >"straylight" instead of having to remember a bunch of weird numbers. Then >I applied for a firewall exception, which basically allows people from >outside the SDSU network to connect to my computer. A person would only do >these things if they were running a multi-user platform. If TNS had really >overlooked the fact that someone might run a server on the housing >network, I believe they were extremely negligent. > >I am a CS major. UNIX is a very big part of CS. A UNIX machine without a >network connection is of very little use. My whole motivation for >encouraging the ethernet project and moving into Toltec and getting the >ethernet was so I could run a multi-user (UNIX) system. I was working on >several programming projects with other people. Mainly network >programming. > >If my machine is firewalled I can initiate connections with other >computers, but they cannot do the same with my computer. This would limit >my ability to learn from others in the outside world. Almost all of the >accounts on my machine belong to SDSU students although some are for >students at other schools but they are extremely helpful in my field of >study. If my machine is firewalled I would not be able to program the >types of applications that I feel are necessary to develop strong job >related skills. I also would have to go through rohan to do my email. I am >not content to use a Mac/Windows machine and do only email and browse the >web like most people do. All of the other CS majors that I've told about >the ethernet in the halls want to do exactly what I have been doing. > >During my meeting with Joe Vasquez I was told that there was a very long >list of requirements machines must meet in order to be a server on the >net. I have asked some people about this list and they have never heard of >it. I should have asked to see a copy of it. I mentioned that there are >people running servers on the network who have never heard of such a list >and he said something like "we're working on that." If they are going to >be consistent in their handling of this matter, they need to go over to >the engineering building and pull the plugs on all of those new servers >they've hooked up without even having heard of such a list. And how was it >that so many TNS employees knew I was setting up my pc like this and never >bothered to mention such a list? > >Then he mentioned liability. Who is liable if someone logs into my machine >and does something bad on the network? Me? The state? If I got sued, he >said (to paraphrase), "I've heard you're bright. I'd hate to see your >career ended before it even began." I do not give out accounts >indiscriminantly. Only to those who have a good reason for being on my >machine. He asked me if I knew what all of the people on my machine were >doing while they were logged in. I said yes. He asked again. I said yes. >He really pressed the issue. I continued saying yes, I know what these >people are doing and it is all legitimate. He just sat there and shook his >head. He said that I didn't know what they were doing. I think he is >implying that I cannot watch them every moment that they are using my >machine and that if they do something bad then I could be held liable, or >the state, and that is not acceptable. > >I feel it is acceptable. Who watches every user on rohan (the schools main >academic computer) every second of every day? Nobody. Is it just as easy >for a user to do something bad on rohan as it would be on my machine? >Certainly. As the popularity of the Internet has grown, people have become >more and more worried about "hackers". SDSU is extremely reactionary about >its computer systems, to the point where people end up in the situation I >now find myself in. It's commonly known that the more secure a network is, >the less usable it is. This is especially true at SDSU. > >Joe Vasquez eventually let on to the *real* reason my ethernet was >disconnected. It seems there is a person who happens to be a friend of >mine who is very disliked by TNS who has an account on my machine. This >person has somehow been linked to sending harassing email. When this >happened most of his accounts were locked and three weeks later he was >notified he should contact someone for an appointment to resolve the >matter. > >Seemingly there is no due process. No one calls to try and striaghten >the matter out. Instead email is sent AFTER your service has been >discontinued and you have no way of reading it. > >This friend of mine who was linked to forging email had always had an >account on my machine, almost since the very first time I connected my >UNIX machine to the schools network over the modem using ppp. He was using >my machine to read mail, newsgroups, etc. while one of his rohan accounts >was suspended. THIS is the reason my machine was disconnected. > >Bob Clay said he did not want my friend on SDSU's network anymore but he >did not notify me of this until after my services were discontinued and as >far as I know my friend has never been notified of this. Infact, my friend >only recently recieved a letter from student affairs asking him to make an >appointment. > >The proper thing for them to do if they did not want him on my machine is >to contact me and tell me not to allow him access. I would have gladly >complied if it meant keeping my ethernet. Instead they completely >disconnected me and were not completely honest with me about why I was >disconnected. When someone sends an offensive email from rohan, do they >pull the plug on rohan? No, they act properly and email the administrator >and have the account disabled. To this day, nobody has asked me to remove >his account. > >Those of us who do things out of the ordinary, push the limits, go the >extra mile, etc. have always drawn attention. I stand out because I'm >using my network connection to it's fullest in an attempt to learn as much >as I can about computing. This makes people nervous. > >Joe Vasquez also said that my ethernet connection would probably be down >for *weeks*, until the next Network Advisory Committee meeting where this >issue would be discussed. This is NOT acceptable. I should not have to pay >for their paranoia and lack of foresight. > >Recently, I found that my dialup access had been suspended as well. When >my ethernet was disconnected I began using my modem to connect to the >schools network just as I had always done. My friend and others continued >using my machine just as they had done for so long. I received an email on >my rohan account about the problem. It stated that my dialup privileges >were suspended because I let this person whose accounts were suspended >onto the SDSU network through my dialup. How is this possible? The dialups >are firewalled and there is only one phone line in my dorm room. > >The fact is, no one notified my friend that he should not be using the >SDSU network and he continues to use his other accounts at this school. > >I think it was probably illegal for them to tell me that this persons >accounts were suspended. In light of the Student Privacy Act school >officials cannot release information about his personal records without >his approval. > >I do not want any more trouble. I will gladly remove his account upon >request if that is what it takes to get my ethernet connection back. > >I intend to comply with all SDSU rules just as I always have. I have not >knowingly broken any of them. TNS should have better communicated their >concerns to me and I'm sure a solution could have been reached which would >have satisfied all parties involved. > >It is not my intention to defend or degrade anyone in any way. However, I >felt it was necessary for me to write this letter. It does not appear that >there is anyone at TNS I can talk to about about this. I am going to have >to go to someone else with this. Perhaps the Ombudsmen. Some have >suggested taking it to the local papers. So here I sit shelling out money >to an outside provider so I can do my computer work while a perfectly good >ethernet sits right here, disconnected for unjust reasons. I ask that my >ethernet be reconnected and everything returned to its previous state. > >----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Mr. Tracy Reed http://rohan.sdsu.edu/home/treed > > Can you believe that? I have no idea why I was told to speak with Vasquez. He obviously knows nothing about computing. He's just a beancounter for the school. He asked me to show him some documentation that would show what I had been using the machine for. I showed him a printout of the password file, process list, etc. He just glanced at it and tossed it on his desk. He didn't know what he was looking at most likely. Then he rambled on about liability and made Jason Matthews out to be Satan incarnate. He was completely useless. From [email protected] Mon Dec 4 12:29:59 1995 Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:29:58 -0800 (PST) From: "Tracy R. Reed" To: "Bob Clay, 619/594-7309" cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Re: TNS Hassle In-Reply-To: <[email protected]> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: RO X-Status: On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Bob Clay, 619/594-7309 wrote: > Regarding your loss of dialup and ethernet connectivity, the SDSUnet > Security Policy has been followed to the letter. There is nothing in it regarding housing ethernet is there? Nothing that says I cannot do exactly what I was doing. > I will issue a refund to you this week for the unused portion of your > Residence Halls network connection fee. Is this my official notification that my ethernet will NOT be reconnected? Will I ever be eligible for ethernet again? Are you still allowing other students to connect? > FYI, the dialup connections are NOT firewalled. Ack. Sorry, my mistake. Didn't they used to be? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Tracy Reed http://rohan.sdsu.edu/home/treed From [email protected] Mon Dec 4 12:37:08 1995 Received: from rohan.sdsu.edu ([email protected] []) by straylight.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id MAA29965 for ; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:37:04 -0800 Received: from mail.sdsu.edu (mail.sdsu.edu []) by rohan.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.7) with ESMTP id MAA09914; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:34:15 -0800 Received: (from clay@localhost) by mail.sdsu.edu (8.7.1/8.6.11) id MAA11087; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:33:57 -0800 (PST) Message-Id: <[email protected]> X-Sender: [email protected] X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.1.2 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Mon, 04 Dec 1995 12:33:57 -0800 To: "Tracy R. Reed" From: "Bob Clay, 619/594-7309" Subject: Re: TNS Hassle Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Status: RO X-Status: A Tracy Reed: The Housing Ethernet is part of SDSUnet. Everything stated in the SDSUnet Security Policy applies. At this time I have no intention of reconnecting you unless we firewall the residence halls from SDSUnet. The dialups have never been firewalled as this precludes ARA and IPX. As this matter is now in the hands of Judicial Procedures, there will be no further correspondence from me to you on this subject. Bob Clay -------- At 12:29 PM 12/4/95 -0800, Tracy R. Reed wrote: >On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Bob Clay, 619/594-7309 wrote: > >> Regarding your loss of dialup and ethernet connectivity, the SDSUnet >> Security Policy has been followed to the letter. > >There is nothing in it regarding housing ethernet is there? Nothing that >says I cannot do exactly what I was doing. > >> I will issue a refund to you this week for the unused portion of your >> Residence Halls network connection fee. > >Is this my official notification that my ethernet will NOT be >reconnected? Will I ever be eligible for ethernet again? Are you still >allowing other students to connect? > >> FYI, the dialup connections are NOT firewalled. > >Ack. Sorry, my mistake. Didn't they used to be? > >----------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Mr. Tracy Reed http://rohan.sdsu.edu/home/treed > > From [email protected] Mon Dec 4 12:40:36 1995 Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 12:40:35 -0800 (PST) From: "Tracy R. Reed" To: "Bob Clay, 619/594-7309" cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Re: TNS Hassle In-Reply-To: <[email protected]> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: RO X-Status: On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Bob Clay, 619/594-7309 wrote: > At this time I have no intention of reconnecting you unless we firewall the > residence halls from SDSUnet. This is something I had considered also, but decided not to mention it in my initial email. I think this would be a very good idea. It would address both of our concerns and make everyone happy. > As this matter is now in the hands of Judicial Procedures, there will be no > further correspondence from me to you on this subject. No reply is expected... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Tracy Reed http://rohan.sdsu.edu/home/treed I called Michael Car...He said to wait until I got a letter in the mail before trying to make an appointment. Check this out... treed - 19:06 [~]: telnet rohan Trying Connected to rohan.sdsu.edu. Escape character is '^]'. UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0 (rohan) This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this computer system without authority, or in violation of state or federal laws are subject to having their activities monitored by law enforcement officials. login: treed Password: Last login: Mon Dec 4 18:47:28 from straylight.conne This account has been disabled. You need to contact Judicial Procedures at 594-6455. ------------- I did! I talked to Michael Car. He was not helpful. From [email protected] Mon Dec 4 20:01:16 1995 Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 20:01:15 -0800 (PST) From: "Tracy R. Reed" To: [email protected] Subject: *sigh* Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: RO X-Status: Ok, I'm almost afraid to ask: Why was my rohan account disabled? The message says to contact judicial procedures. I did earlier today. Michael Car didn't sound too happy and told me wait until I received a letter in the mail asking me to call. If this is their official policy, you might want to change /bin/disabled to reflect this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Tracy Reed http://rohan.sdsu.edu/home/treed IRC-Maelcum Check out DALnet! The best IRC network around: http://www.dal.net *** AND telnet to telnet.dal.net for our telnet client! *** "She moves in mysterious ways..." From [email protected] Mon Dec 4 20:28:08 1995 Received: from rohan.sdsu.edu ([email protected] []) by straylight.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id UAA30845 for ; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 20:28:02 -0800 Received: from connectnet1.connectnet.com ([email protected] []) by rohan.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.7) with ESMTP id UAA02902; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 20:25:08 -0800 Received: (jason@localhost) by connectnet1.connectnet.com (8.7.1/CN-CONFIG-0.2) id UAA24747; Mon, 4 Dec 1995 20:22:31 -0800 (PST) Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 20:22:26 -0800 (PST) From: Jason Matthews X-Sender: jason@connectnet1 To: "Bob Clay, 619/594-7309" cc: "Tracy R. Reed" , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Re: TNS Hassle In-Reply-To: <[email protected]> Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: RO X-Status: On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Bob Clay, 619/594-7309 wrote: > Tracy Reed: > > The Housing Ethernet is part of SDSUnet. Everything stated in the SDSUnet > Security Policy applies. > > At this time I have no intention of reconnecting you unless we firewall the > residence halls from SDSUnet. > > The dialups have never been firewalled as this precludes ARA and IPX. This is at minimum another half truth. The dialups certainly do filter incoming IP traffic. I cannot believe you can sit there and deny this. eg. [it.is.my (jason) |69| > ftp ftp: connect: Connection timed out ftp> quit Jason > > As this matter is now in the hands of Judicial Procedures, there will be no > further correspondence from me to you on this subject. > > Bob Clay > -------- > At 12:29 PM 12/4/95 -0800, Tracy R. Reed wrote: > >On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Bob Clay, 619/594-7309 wrote: > > > >> Regarding your loss of dialup and ethernet connectivity, the SDSUnet > >> Security Policy has been followed to the letter. > > > >There is nothing in it regarding housing ethernet is there? Nothing that > >says I cannot do exactly what I was doing. > > > >> I will issue a refund to you this week for the unused portion of your > >> Residence Halls network connection fee. > > > >Is this my official notification that my ethernet will NOT be > >reconnected? Will I ever be eligible for ethernet again? Are you still > >allowing other students to connect? > > > >> FYI, the dialup connections are NOT firewalled. > > > >Ack. Sorry, my mistake. Didn't they used to be? > > > >----------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >Mr. Tracy Reed http://rohan.sdsu.edu/home/treed > > > > > From [email protected] Tue Dec 5 09:27:19 1995 Received: from connectnet1.connectnet.com ([email protected] []) by straylight.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id JAA04241 for ; Tue, 5 Dec 1995 09:27:14 -0800 Received: from rohan.sdsu.edu ([email protected] []) by connectnet1.connectnet.com (8.7.1/CN-CONFIG-0.2) with SMTP id HAA05769 for ; Tue, 5 Dec 1995 07:42:19 -0800 (PST) Received: (root@localhost) by rohan.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.7) id HAA04350 for [email protected]; Tue, 5 Dec 1995 07:39:05 -0800 From: ron nash Message-Id: <[email protected]> Subject: Re: *sigh* To: [email protected] (Tracy R. Reed) Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 07:39:03 -0800 (PST) In-Reply-To: from "Tracy R. Reed" at Dec 4, 95 08:01:15 pm X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL21] Content-Type: text Status: RO X-Status: > > > Ok, I'm almost afraid to ask: Why was my rohan account disabled? > > The message says to contact judicial procedures. I did earlier today. > Michael Car didn't sound too happy and told me wait until I received a > letter in the mail asking me to call. If this is their official policy, > you might want to change /bin/disabled to reflect this. Your account was disabled pending Judicial Procedures review of the case where your dorm system provided Jason access. I'll call Mike today and see where this is going - if anywhere. Mail and Rohan suspend accounts togeather if there is a problem. Bob's email to me on this was: Since Tracy's access has been suspended from other SDSUnet resources (Mail and the Dialups) I would appreciate it if you would suspend his named rohan account (treed) while Judicial Procedures reviews the case. If he has any class accounts for school work these should remain enabled. Ron From [email protected] Tue Dec 5 20:42:38 1995 Received: from connectnet1.connectnet.com ([email protected] []) by straylight.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id UAA06279 for ; Tue, 5 Dec 1995 20:42:29 -0800 Received: (jason@localhost) by connectnet1.connectnet.com (8.7.1/CN-CONFIG-0.2) id UAA29873; Tue, 5 Dec 1995 20:38:48 -0800 (PST) Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 20:38:47 -0800 (PST) From: Jason Matthews X-Sender: jason@connectnet1 To: [email protected] Subject: Re: *sigh* (fwd) Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: RO X-Status: Jason ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sometimes park in handicapped spaces, while handicapped people make handicapped faces. - Dennis Leary ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 12:55:21 -0800 (PST) From: Ron Nash To: Jason Matthews Cc: [email protected], [email protected] Subject: Re: *sigh* > Hi Ron, > > why does Bob do this? Tracy and I obviously pose no clear and presesnt > danger to SDSU services, if rohan is not used in any illeged > incidents why does he feel he needs to close these accounts?. I do not > particularly care if he wants to order his little world in the tns office > but why is he allowed flex his muscles around campus like this? > > humbly, > Jason It is not for me to comment. In general, I am obligated to follow the NAC guidelines. When Bob feels the guidelines have been violated, I go by his opinion. The NAC sets up the guidelines we use to set policy. Ron ------------ Now my rohan account is back up! What happened? I didn't do anything! Maybe my ethernet will mysteriously be reconnected as well! ------------ From [email protected] Tue Dec 5 20:56:25 1995 Received: from connectnet1.connectnet.com ([email protected] []) by straylight.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id UAA06379 for ; Tue, 5 Dec 1995 20:56:08 -0800 Received: (treed@localhost) by connectnet1.connectnet.com (8.7.1/CN-CONFIG-0.2) id UAA00374; Tue, 5 Dec 1995 20:52:23 -0800 (PST) Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 20:52:22 -0800 (PST) From: Tracy Reed To: [email protected] Subject: OH NO! (fwd) Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: RO X-Status: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 5 Dec 1995 19:19:13 -0800 (PST) From: Jason Matthews To: treed@connectnet1, [email protected] Subject: OH NO! OH NO! Clay has filtered most of connectnet's subnets from buzzer. What will I do? I won't be able to look at Clay's home page any more without having to redirect packets and/or set a display env variable. THE HORROR! The guy never ceases to amaze me ;-) Jason --------------- Thu Dec 7 11:43:24 PST 1995 They've suspended my rohan account...AGAIN! --------------- treed - 11:40 [~]: telnet rohan Trying Connected to rohan.sdsu.edu. Escape character is '^]'. UNIX(r) System V Release 4.0 (rohan) This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using this computer system without authority, or in violation of state or federal laws are subject to having their activities monitored by law enforcement officials. login: treed Password: Last login: Thu Dec 7 09:19:10 from straylight.conne This account has been disabled. You need to contact Judicial Procedures at 594-6455. Connection closed by foreign host. -------------------- I called Mike Hoctor. He said that he has read the emails and is aware of the problem but they are in the middle of getting some other dorms wired and now would be an awkward time for him to do anything. He told me to call Sharon Edwards. I did and she was not in, but I left a message for her. --------------------- From [email protected] Thu Dec 7 16:07:26 1995 Received: from mail.sdsu.edu (mail.sdsu.edu []) by straylight.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id QAA09966 for ; Thu, 7 Dec 1995 16:07:18 -0800 Received: (from clay@localhost) by mail.sdsu.edu (8.7.1/8.6.11) id LAA12354; Thu, 7 Dec 1995 11:56:30 -0800 (PST) Message-Id: <[email protected]> X-Sender: [email protected] X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.1.2 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Thu, 07 Dec 1995 11:56:27 -0800 To: [email protected] From: "Bob Clay, 619/594-7309" Subject: Refund of Residence Halls Ethernet Connection Feed Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Status: RO X-Status: Tracy, Your refund is ready. Please call Mary Smith at 594-1174 and arrange to pick it up in BAM116 --- Robert D. Clay San Diego State University Data Communications Manager Telecommunications and Network Services 619/594-2912 (FAX) 5500 Campanile Drive 619/594-7309 (Voice) San Diego, CA 92182-7709 Internet: [email protected] -------------- 12/10/95 Heh. Got a hardcopy of the previous email from Bob in the mail today asking me to pick up my check. -------------- From [email protected] Sun Dec 10 00:22:30 1995 Date: Sun, 10 Dec 1995 00:22:29 -0800 (PST) From: "Tracy R. Reed" To: [email protected] Subject: :( Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: RO X-Status: I am extremely unhappy with this whole situation. I am being treated very unfairly by TNS and nobody in the administration seems to give a flying fig. Clay keeps pestering me to come pick up my ethernet refund. I won't be discriminated against because of my choice of hardware, software, or friends. Everyone is too afraid for their jobs or current pet projects to cause a stir. So, can you tell me (without incurring the wrath of Bob, who appears to have everyone by the short and curlies these days), what must I do to get my rohan account activated? Why is it still on hold? I talked to Judicial Procedures and they blew me off. I still haven't even received a letter from them. Now what?!?! There are projects I want to work on and I cannot work on them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Tracy Reed http://rohan.sdsu.edu/home/treed IRC-Maelcum Check out DALnet! The best IRC network around: http://www.dal.net "She moves in mysterious ways..." From [email protected] Mon Dec 18 14:48:39 1995 Received: from tns.sdsu.edu (tns.sdsu.edu []) by straylight.connectnet.com (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id OAA16318 for ; Mon, 18 Dec 1995 14:48:36 -0800 Received: from buzzer.sdsu.edu (buzzer.sdsu.edu []) by tns.sdsu.edu (8.7.1/8.6.11) with SMTP id OAA16638; Mon, 18 Dec 1995 14:38:22 -0800 (PST) Message-Id: <[email protected]> X-Sender: [email protected] X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 2.2b10 (16) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 14:38:29 -0800 To: [email protected] From: "Bob Clay, 619/594-7309" Subject: Refund of Residence Halls Ethernet Connection Feed Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Status: RO X-Status: A 12/18/95 Tracy, Since you have not yet picked up your refund, I have mailed it to you at the following address: Tracy Reed Toltec 228 5335 Remington Rd. San Diego, CA 92115 Robert D. Clay -------------- Date: Thu, 07 Dec 1995 11:56:27 -0800 To: [email protected] From: "Bob Clay, 619/594-7309" Subject: Refund of Residence Halls Ethernet Connection Feed Cc: vasquez,[email protected],smith 12/7/95 Tracy, Your refund is ready. Please call Mary Smith at 594-1174 and arrange to pick it up in BAM116 --- Robert D. Clay San Diego State University Data Communications Manager Telecommunications and Network Services 619/594-2912 (FAX) 5500 Campanile Drive 619/594-7309 (Voice) San Diego, CA 92182-7709 Internet: [email protected] From [email protected] Mon Dec 18 19:29:48 1995 Received: from rohan.sdsu.edu ([email protected] []) by straylight.connectnet.com (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id TAA16574 for ; Mon, 18 Dec 1995 19:29:44 -0800 Received: (masc0717@localhost) by rohan.sdsu.edu (8.6.12/8.6.7) id TAA29203; Mon, 18 Dec 1995 19:20:13 -0800 Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 19:20:12 -0800 (PST) From: Generic Account 0717 Subject: Ethernet (fwd) To: [email protected] Message-ID: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Status: RO X-Status: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 18 Dec 1995 19:13:05 -0800 (PST) From: Generic Account 0717 To: [email protected] Subject: Ethernet They have now mailed me a refund check. This is completely unacceptable. I am very disappointed in the lack of support or even consideration from adminstration. I must arrange for a personal meeting with you as soon as possible. I will be arriving in San Diego on Jan. 3rd. I am in San Antonio at the moment visiting family. Housing owns this equipment and can dictate the policy for it. I have consulted many people and everyone (outside of TNS, that is) has told me that I have a very good case and that I have been treated unfairly. Even complete strangers who I have emailed all of the emails exchanged over this agree with me. How can they refund my money without even consulting housing? Did you tell them they could do this? As you are aware, I have been looking forward to this for a long time and I even made special arrangements to get into a dorm with ethernet and I even paid extra money (zura single as opposed to super single) to be able to have ethernet. I do not understand how the ethernet in the dorms project can go forward as long as these issues are unresolved. Who knows how many other students on ethernet are running multiuser machines. That is the main reason for getting ether as fair as I am concerned. Many other schools allow this, it's not without precedent and many schools have policies to cover it properly, unlike SDSU. However, disconnecting someones ethernet connection without consulting the person and attempting to resolve the problem and then refusing that person any service in the future is completely unprecented as far as I am aware. I wish there was SOMONE at this school I could talk to who knew something about networking. Unfortunately, all computer problems are referred to TNS, but they are the problem. Just in case this does not work out in the next few weeks, I am exploring other options which include legal procedures and local papers. I know I can get articles printed in the Union Tribune and Daily Aztec exposing this mistreatment. Small claims court may be an option, even though I am not seeking money. This is more of a discrimination and breach of contract case. I will try to keep housing out of it wherever possible since the problem is really with TNS. ----------- 3/4/96 And so here I sit. No ether. Lots of wasted time and money. And a school which doesn't seem to care. :(
Tracy Reed
vCISOCybersecurity AuditorCybersecurity Architect
Cybersecurity Expert WitnessCorporate Charter Aircraft Pilot
"I have a very particular set of skills..."
Cybersecurity Architect
Cybersecurity Expert WitnessCorporate Charter Aircraft Pilot
"I have a very particular set of skills..."
Cybersecurity Architect, Expert Witness, and Security/Linux Instructor teaching and mentoring the next generation of security professionals.
ISO 27001 Lead Auditor
Lead CCA
Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge
Red Hat Certified Engineer(exp)
Years of Experience